Thank you for this information. It is hard for me to take a meaningful position without the fiscal facts. Most especially there is a lack of detailed Revenue and Debt Service Projections as you point out. The PR outreaches are a waste of time without the data.

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I suspect the JP Morgan report (cited in the Washington Post and closely held by the governor’s office) may have a more complete assessment of the risks to the lenders. In my experience, lenders model project financing to aim at a 2x debt coverage, which is seldom realized. Sensitivity model runs with alternative revenue projections tied to key revenue drivers will have tested the downside for the banks. The city and commonwealth $1.1 billion backstop to protect the bond holders must be a result of JP Morgan’s analysis of the risks. It would be a clear public service for our representatives to release that report and not just the flimsy stuff they’re now showing us.

Leonard Crook

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So focused on the essentials, and so well said. Thank you.

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#1 - modern stadiums do not have a lifespan of 35 years…

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