Love the writing, and I'm definitely planning to infringe on any copyright you might claim for Hanlon's razor and Grey's law. The intersection of incompétence and stupidity créâtes endless traffic jams with very little help from malice.
I don’t know that much about Alexandria but over-development is a problem throughout the country—at least in all the places people want to live. It’s always a tough, complicated issue. Thanks for the thoughts in the column—all worth contemplation.
Love the writing, and I'm definitely planning to infringe on any copyright you might claim for Hanlon's razor and Grey's law. The intersection of incompétence and stupidity créâtes endless traffic jams with very little help from malice.
Love the writing, and I'm definitely planning to infringe on any copyright you might claim for Hanlon's razor and Grey's law. The intersection of incompétence and stupidity créâtes endless traffic jams with very little help from malice.
I don’t know that much about Alexandria but over-development is a problem throughout the country—at least in all the places people want to live. It’s always a tough, complicated issue. Thanks for the thoughts in the column—all worth contemplation.
Love the writing, and I'm definitely planning to infringe on any copyright you might claim for Hanlon's razor and Grey's law. The intersection of incompétence and stupidity créâtes endless traffic jams with very little help from malice.