Welcome to About Alexandria (and some FAQs)
A Newsletter About Local Issues in Alexandria, Virginia
Welcome! This is About Alexandria, a newsletter about issues in Alexandria, Virginia. I am very interested in your reactions and comments. Please comment on any post, or, if you wish to reach me privately send me a message at AboutAlexandria@gmail.com. Many of the posts originally appeared in The Alexandria Times.
And now for some frequently asked questions:
Why are you doing this?
First, I’m doing it to have some fun. I also hope to learn from reader reactions so please do not hesitate to post comments on posts or to send an email message.
How do you get ideas for columns?
I get most of my ideas by talking with people. If you have ideas for a column, or a feature story, please let me know. Of course, I will be glad to credit your idea in the column.
Do I have to pay for About Alexandria?
Not now. You will have plenty of notice if this changes.
Can I unsubscribe at any time?
Is About Alexandria going to be exclusively about the school system?